Project Works

A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves - strong, powerful, beautiful - and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.
Pam Brown, Australian Poet, b. 1948


To nobody’s surprise, JF-Soft project plan development and its project implementation scheme is focusing on the scope of work, budget available, the implementation period and the risks involved in a certain project area. Anyway, project matters are dealing with:

Idea, study, survey, feasibility, effort
Plan, project organisation, location, parties, follow up and status report
Agreements, contracts & minutes of meeting, progress tracking and book keeping
Delivery, e.g., system, documentation, e.g., manuals, correspondence text, handover punch list & project close out.

A graphic about the project run and role out held in German is provided for Download.

Small vs. Large

Many human activities can be viewed as projects. Anything that has a definite start and end date falls under the Project category. In the case of small projects, you do not have to take all the effort into planning, tendering and implementation in detail. While a certain type of planning, tendering and implementation is recognizable, the effort for a small project is far less than for the implementation of a large project. Often a single person suffices to run a small project sans real expertise for the subject matter.

For example, you do not need a project organization, a project office, or even a branch office abroad when you decide on a new car and buy it, but building a house is much more complicated! More and more team member parties are involved and different interests should be taken into account. Small projects of special interest are projects for the development of items that will result in a high number of production. Small projects are most of the time regional projects. Small projects are completed within weeks, while large projects take months or even years to complete. Projects of special interest are projects for the development of items that will result in a high number of production of the same.

Global View

Another grade of complexity consists in projects that are rolled out nationally or even internationally or only locally / regional.
When one runs a regional project – let us say you like to purchase a car – one will have to deal with two or three persons only. What you cannot resolve via Telephone you will resolve face-to-face. You have here low complexity and thus low risk. With international projects, this is different, you may have to communicate bilingual, and you may meet your counterparts from other project parties once in a month or less often to discuss issues directly. All other communications will be in written or verbally via telephone. You mostly deal with project parties that are global performers and thus have a powerful management.

One needs to negotiate and put in place financial security guarantees for advanced payments, deliveries, performance, insurance and so on. National and international projects are mostly large-scale projects with multiple project organizations concerned. Of further risk are political dynamic between nations and involved government agencies, force majeure and bureaucracy. Local or regional projects are distinguished from the national and international projects by the by the number of sites involved in the project work. Regional projects have mostly only one site for the implementation of the project works, an exception are the infrastructure projects.


Organisation matters and issues brings structure into each affaire.

Especially large projects do have an organisational structure. It is necessary to keep the operations of the project effective and transparent for all parties concerned.

In the following examples for the organisational design regarding project are presented.

(A) Multinational Project Office

Circuit Plan & Funktion

Our latest blueprint for an autark, scale-able AC/DC Photo Voltaic System (PVS) is shown below:
