Meet Our Team

A Consultant to be worth his salt must give honest judgements not necessarily those he thinks the Client would like to hear.
Andrew Thomas, American football player, b. 1999

Intro        Experience        Practice        Our Key-Members


We – the Team Members – we are people that know each other since many years.
Our point of meet up has been project work that we are conducing or we hade have done in the past, either in country or abroad.
With the help of JF-Soft you can establish a private contact with each of our experts. You may make an injury or even give a job offer via dedicated e-mail address.
We are here to learn to know about interesting projects. We like to support you to make your visionary goals real with a plan, within scope, budget and time.

We like to carry out our professions worldwide and at home, we provide:

  • Consultancy
  • Mediation
  • Networking


We are at your service!


Our Team, the Members of JF-Soft and their network, comprises of human resources as like as:

  • Operators, field- & planning engineers
  • Technicians for electronics and electro-mechanics
  • Security and surveillance specialists
  • Economists, financial analysts, project and sales experts, controller, commissioner
  • Organizational and management personnel
  • Draftsmen and other skilled personal for plan & documentation, and supporting administrative personnel for project office operation


We collected our work experience worldwide, at home and around the world, we like to share. Therefore, and because of our humanistic thread we are cultural aware, respectful with all people.


Our Team possess practical project experience acquired over many years with automated Systems (Hardware & Software), Office and Team Management, Mediation (Project Organisations & Parties) and Networking (the farer away Resource) leads us to introduce to you and yours our readiness to provide you with Consultancy Services for electronic Systems as follows:

  • Project Plan, Request for Proposal (RFP), bid evaluation and contract negotiations
  • Project implementation, incl. performance testing and warranty close out
  • Technical Systems, planning, maintenance and operations
  • Organisational design, including project Organisation, project office and event conduct
  • Agent services for mediation of items that are: lost & found, search & sell
  • General agent services regarding: project works, survey & documentation, human resources & properties

Our Key-Members

Josef Fohringer
Projects & Electronic Systems Expert (electro-mechanic, communications- and electronics engineer)

Somphan Fohringer
Cook & Security Expert (housekeeping)

Murugadoss Adhimoolam
Electric Power Supply & Distribution Systems Expert (electric engineer)